Course Description

Have you ever realized that you're really good at something others are struggling with?

If you have, and if you've been a trainer/teacher most of your life like me, then it's natural to organize how you've been succeeding where others are failing, and teach that. 

I've done so well with paid blogging on a site called Steemit, making hundreds of dollars in my first couple weeks, and bypassing people who've been actively blogging on the platform for months. I know because they comment on my posts where I share tidbits about what I'm doing to tell me how much they've been struggling and how much they appreciate the help.

I've also started building a community of people who love my writing, and who engage with me in meaningful dialog around the ideas I'm sharing. The joy of having a community of devoted readers is accompanied by the joy of actually getting paid for writing about the things I care about. And getting paid pretty well, pretty quickly.

Here's a screenshot of some of my articles from my first 2 weeks (the one with the man is someone else's article I shared). I've been averaging $20-30 article right out of the gates, with occasional ones hitting $100 and more, spending about 30-60 minutes writing each article then 5-10 mins. promoting it. And I've barely even begun.  

(And yes, that guy really did make that much for that one article! But he's been on the platform about a year and I've just hit one month. I hope to see similar stats for my articles a year from now, as many long-timers are seeing.)

Yet the story for many people is that they make pennies per article even after months on the platform. If you hear people talking about it being "too good to be true," they are probably among that grouping. It was too good to be true for them, because they never learned how to make it work! So I've started helping people like them learn those keys to success in some articles on the platform.

The thing is, I can't help them enough like that. In this course I can REALLY help someone get off to a successful start.

I can do that with a combination of:

  1. On-screen video instruction
  2. Follow along workbooks with,
  3. Clickable links, and 
  4. Live Q&A to make sure you know how to apply what you're learning to see results
  5. A support circle on Facebook so that we can share our posts/comment with each other and upvote each other

If you want help from the point of getting an account created quickly (instead of the weeks people sometimes have to wait!), to making real money quickly, to enjoying the experience of building a community of fellow spiritual writers who are being organized to support each other on the platform ....

Then this is the workshop series for you!

Note that I say series, as I've split the training up into 4 individual workshops of 90 minutes each, so that I can charge a lower price for getting started and give people the option of enrolling in just some sessions.

The four sessions of step-by-step live training are:

  1. Getting Started for Success (necessary foundation for all to learn how to best use those first few days on the platform, plus we cover everything needed for success on the platform at a high level. You could take just this one workshop.)
  2. Money Matters (ways of increasing revenue, with demos of exactly how to do each step)
  3. Content That Wins on the Platform (how to write successfully for this particular platform, with examples of what does and doesn't work through analysis of posts on the platform)
  4. Tools of the Trade (essential tools everyone should use to make more money on the platform with less effort, including on-screen instruction on how to use each one)

(After you sign up for this foundational workshop you'll be given the option of upgrading to the complete package of workshops as part of a larger course that all the material is included within (as well as other material). Just use the coupon you're given on the registration 'thank you' page to deduct the $25 you paid for this workshop when buying the all-inclusive course.)

Please join now so that you can get your account quickly, learn the right things to do in those first crucial days on the platform (and what not to do), and start participating in the daily upvote request circle to make money from day one on the platform and support your fellow spiritual bloggers as well.

I look forward to having you be a part of my paid spiritual blogging journey and getting to be a support in yours!

(Have questions? Use the support link below to email me. I'm happy to help you decide if this is right for you.)

President, Awaken, LLC

Indigo Ocean Dutton, MA

Indigo Ocean Dutton, MA is President of Awaken, LLC, delivering effective business development programs for micro-business founders. She is  the founder of Aspiratech corporate business technology consulting and training firm and of Winning Start mindset & financial liberation programs for people of color. Indigo is also the author of "Being Bliss" and "Micro Habits for Major Happiness." Indigo received her MA in Integral Counseling Psychology from the CA Institute of Integral Studies and her BA in International Commerce from Brown University.

Course curriculum

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    Instructions for this course

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    Course Contents

    • Workshop Live Session Join Info

    • Workshop workbook - Getting Started Steps to Take

    • Workshop 1 Replay Recording

    • Next Workshop in Series: Money Matters

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    Discussion Area

    • Ask Your Questions Here

    • Success Circle